Soft, smooth, and silky pool water is a goal that every single pool owner strives to achieve, however, it you truly want to create a paradise is your own backyard you’ll need a lot more than silky pool water. A recently published report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed a number of startling facts and statistics that has left both pool goers and owners alike concerned with far more than just silky pool water.
While many people assume that swimming in a private or public swimming pool is both cleaner and safer than swimming in a natural body of water, such as the ocean, a lake, or a pond, swimming pool water is literally teeming with pathogens — some of which are resistant to pure chlorine and other pool cleaners — as well as traces of human feces, sweat, and urine.
In fact, the CDC warns that the strong smell of chlorine found at many pools isn’t a sign of cleanliness. Quite the opposite. That strong odor is actually a substance called chloramine, an irritant which is produced when chlorine binds with human body fluids and waste. Therefore, the stronger the chlorine-like odor, the higher the concentration of waste in the water.
Sure, there ware a wide range of pool sanitization solutions, however it can be difficult to completely eliminate chlorine-resistant microorganisms. The CDC’s report revealed that Cryptosporidium, a type of chlorine resistant bacteria, is responsible for the majority of the nationwide outbreaks linked to swimming pools. Cryptosporidium causes a severe case of the stomach flu, and while not fatal, may cause death in young children, the elderly, or those who have compromised immune systems.
According to the CDC, the outbreak of swimming pool-related illnesses has caused close to 2,000 illnesses, 95 hospitalizations, and one death. In order to avoid contracting a water-borne illness at a pool, the CDC recommends pool goers shower before and after being in a pool with cool water. In addition, the CDC urges pool goers to avoid drinking or swallowing pool water at all costs.