Long considered a sport for the nations of Europe and Latin America, soccer has now reached widespread popularity in the U.S. In fact, among youth athletes, soccer is now the second most-popular sport — second only to football. Youth soccer leagues have helped make this exciting sport a lifelong passion for millions of Americans today.
Just like any sport, you will only get better at playing soccer if you practice — and take the time to learn soccer moves that can help you handle the ball like David Beckham.
Want to know more about how to learn soccer skills and moves that will make you play like a pro? Here’s a look at three great soccer moves that every soccer enthusiast should try:
Through the legs
If you’re running the ball down the field and come face-to-face with a defender, you don’t have to run around the defender. If the defender has spread his or her feet in a defensive stance, simply feign like you’re going to go left or right, then gently kick the ball through his or her legs, accelerating your running to catch up with the ball on the other side of the player.
Inside hook
Another good move to consider as you learn soccer moves is the inside hook. This move, which is offensive in nature, is meant to create a side-to-side space between you and the defender. As you dribble one way, hook your foot around the ball and drag it back in front of the defender, who will be behind you at this point.
Jump cut
The jump cut involves using the back of your outside foot to send the ball at a 90-degree angle away from you while you’re dribbling next to the defender. Jump over the ball with your inside foot and continue to dribble in your new direction away from the defender.
Have any other questions about how to learn soccer moves or teach soccer to kids? Let us know in the comments below.