How do you know what kind of camping is best suited for your family? Camping experiences make memories that last a lifetime. And there are many types of camping styles, it’s just a matter of figuring out what is your families favorite. There is tent camping, cabin camping, yurt camping and there’s even more. The best camping sites are really dependent on what you like. Cabins in Louisiana are gorgeous and spacious and set in a great area. Maybe cabin camping in Louisiana is for you! If you are looking for a more beachy feel, the city of Lake Charles overlooks a freshwater lake. It is located along the Gulf Coast and it is the only white sand beach in that area. Cool campsites are really in the eye of the camper. Some people may prefer cabin camping in the woods while others like to do tents only for a more authentic feel. Cabins in Louisiana are very popular, mainly because Southwest Louisiana is a Festival Capital state, it holds over 75 festivals and fairs each year. If you decide to take your next camping trip down South, that would be a great location where you are sure to make a lot of memories.
How do you go about packing for a camping trip? It seems like anytime anyone goes on camping trip they feel the need to bring everything, including the kitchen sink! Sometimes less is more, or at least just the essentials. If you are worried about your kids getting bored on your trip, have your kids pack their own bags with things such as their favorite toys. books or stuffed animals. By doing this, it will help your camping trip run more smoothly. Pack foods that are easy to prepare and don’t leave an excess of amount of trash. You want to leave your campsite looking as clean as it did when you first arrived. When you leave your campsite as clean as it was when you first arrived, the next campers will greatly appreciate it. More on this topic.