One enormous benefit of going on an RV trip with your loved ones is the opportunity to unplug and share new experiences. But, after the umpteenth hour on the highway, things get a little monotonous.
Cure cross-country boredom with these activities guaranteed to please a wide variety of tastes.
Drive Bingo
It’s like Bingo, but better. Instead of random numbers on a board, the aim of the game is to find the real-time representation of certain pictures.
Have fun looking for airplanes, cars, fire hydrants, people riding bicycles, dance studios, and more. Pinterest has a ton of board ideas to inspire you.
Play Tourist in a New City
When you’re on the road and far from home, you are a tourist. Embrace it and explore interesting places en route to your destination.
New cities are exciting simply because they’re different from the norm. Set up camp at a local RV park and explore your new surroundings.
If you’re not sure where to start, look up fun things to do in these cities:
- Visit local museums
- Golfing
- Take gun courses
- Water excursions
- Apple picking
- Find gun safes for your new gun
- Getting nail salon manicures and pedicures
- Taking pictures of famous buildings and landmarks
- Trying a new pizza delivery or catering service brand not found in your state of origin
Do something you’ve never done before. Take this idea to another level by having each person in your group pick a stop before the trip begins. This builds a sense of togetherness. It also ensures that everyone has a unique experience. Nothing stretches the imagination more than stepping out of your comfort zone.
Play Party Games
There are tons of fun old-school games, like Charades, Two Truths and a Lie, and Never Have I Ever. They’re also simple to adapt for a group of people of different ages to play. Plus, you don’t need a deck of cards or other supplies.
The Alphabet Game
Word games are a simple and entertaining way to get everyone in on the fun. The first step of The Alphabet Game is to pick a theme. Let’s go with animals for this scenario.
The next step is to take turns naming something that starts with the next letter in the alphabet. In this way, the list gets bigger as the game continues.
Let’s say the first person says armadillo. The next person will add to the list. He or she would say armadillo and badger. The person after that would have to say armadillo, badger, and cheetah. It goes on until someone messes. It’s fun to see who can and can’t remember the entire list by the end.
Card Games
A simple deck of cards will give you an endless variety of fun things to do on your next group RV trip. Family-friendly classics like Crazy Eights, Go Fish, and War, are fun and easy.
Step your game up by adding Truth or Dare. Whoever loses the hand has to tell an embarrassing truth or do a dare.
Get a Little Crafty
This one takes a little extra preparation but it’s worth the effort. You’ll need some washable paint and memorable rocks found along your way.
Have everyone express their creativity and paint them however they choose. It’s a fun way to create custom keepsakes of your trip for everyone to enjoy later. Painting is also very therapeutic.
Outdoor Games
Some campgrounds lose their luster once you’ve done everything they have to offer. But, just because you parked the RV doesn’t mean the fun has to end. Keep the itinerary exciting with these fun campsite activities.
Play Cornhole
This tried-and-true camping game doesn’t need a lot of equipment. You just need some bags and some boards with holes in them.
The objective of the game is to throw the bags into the holes. Whoever gets the most wins.
It sounds simple, but it’s more challenging than it seems. There are also several portable variations on the market designed for camping trips.
This is another game you can add a bigger feeling of competition to. The loser gets to do a chore and the winner gets to choose the next activity.
Catch Lightning Bugs
Catching lightning bugs is a great camping activity. Kids will love seeing them light up their jars. It’s also a fun way to bring back splendid memories with the older folks on the trip.
Take things further and turn the experience into a teaching moment for your kids. Use this time to explain the delicate balance between humans and Mother Nature. It may lead to some interesting, informative conversations with your loved ones.
Play Horseshoes
Just like cornhole, you won’t need a lot of gear or skill to play horseshoes. There are travel-friendly rubber versions available too.
Stargazing and Astrophotography
One of the most relaxing camping activities is star gazing. Find a suitable location and settle down for a few moments of captivating views. The best part? All you need is a clear sky and blankets.
See who can spot the Little Dipper, The Big Dipper, and Orion. The winner gets an extra grilled burger or some other fun treat.
Take your stargazing to the next level with photography. You’ll have to get away from the light pollution in the city to do this activity justice. This makes it an excellent activity for an RV trip.
Movie Night
When you’re done stargazing and taking pictures, relax by watching a movie. Set up a projector to shine on the side of the RV and create your theater.
Have a Scavenger Hunt
When you’re camping with a large group, one of the best things to do is a scavenger hunt. It’s the perfect combination of a competitive sport with a twist.
You can choose a nature theme, like bugs and plants, for the hunt. Pinterest has a lot of free printable checklists too.
Get to Know Your Surroundings
It’s possible to go on a scenic walk without overexerting yourself. Just take a stroll around the camp and take in the views. Combine this activity with the scavenger hunt to add another level of fun.
Have a Dance Party
You don’t need a clubroom to have an authentic dance party. When hanging out with the family, turn on your portable speaker and dance the night away.
If no one has a portable speaker, use your phone. A good old-fashioned dance party is the perfect time to show the crew your devastating moves. Just remember to be respectful of any neighbors camping quietly nearby.
Step things up by adding a bunch of glow sticks. You can hang them around the campgrounds and wear them to give your party a proper vibe.
Go Tailgating
Tailgate from your RV and have a movie night in one fell swoop. The first part is the tailgate. Your RV comes with everything you need.
What tailgate have you been to that’s stocked with your favorite foods? Or a private bathroom? It doesn’t get any better than that.
Once everyone has eaten their fill and is ready to relax, use a projector to watch a movie on the side of the RV.
Helpful Suggestions
Part of the fun of going RVing is getting a break from the norm. But, don’t completely revamp your routine. Human beings thrive on structure. So make sure everyone knows what they’re getting into beforehand so they can plan accordingly. Another way to add some order to a new routine is to keep meals and bedtimes at their regular times.
Additional tips include:
Schedule downtime into every day
There are so many new activities to experience when you’re on the road. It’s hard to wind down sometimes. That’s why it’s important to schedule downtime every day. Designate a specific spot for each individual where they can take a load off. It gives everyone a chance to relax and recharge for the next day.
Use competitions to your advantage
Everything is more fun when it has a competitive edge. Who can pick up the most pieces of trash or spot the most red caterpillars? The winner gets a special perk. Extra snacks are a great option or first dibs on something special. Your limit is your imagination.
Have fun and save money
Certain memberships have more uses than you think. For instance, did you know it’s possible to exchange hotel points or airline miles for gift cards? These gift cards offer discounts on shopping, dining, and entertainment venues. Some are free if you have enough points.
Involve everyone
Chances are, the people in your group have different tastes. Make the trip fun for everyone by getting their input on stops, experiences, and more.
Make sure everyone gets to do something they want. It will engage everyone from the beginning and make planning easier as well.
Another benefit is the heightened anticipation this exercise creates leading up to the trip. Everyone will look forward to their specific activity. It also increases feelings of togetherness amongst the unit.
Bring A Well-Stocked First-Aid Kit
Depending on where your trip takes you, quick medical care might not be an option. A first-aid kit will help you treat minor injuries, illnesses, and bug bites. When something more serious happens, it’ll provide some aid until the experts arrive.
Add an extra layer of protection by checking to see if anyone going on the trip has CPR experience. If not, ask someone to volunteer for a basic First Aid course. It’ll put your mind at ease and may even save a life.
Bring Lots of Snacks
When you’re on the road, everyone’s favorite snacks aren’t available. Make sure everyone’s stomach gets to have fun as well by bringing along your own snacks. You could also try new snacks at each new town and bring those along with you for the ride.
Charge Up the Reserves
Some people think electronics are a cop-out for lazy parents. These people have never been on the road with bored kids for hours at a time.
It’s important to charge all electronics before heading out. Charge up power banks as well.
Smartphones and tablets are a great way to keep everyone entertained. You can put parental settings on it and control what they watch too.
Be Thoughtful About Your Clothing Choices
Every RV, no matter how spacious, has limited space. When several people are in a small space, storage is an issue.
Clothes take up more space than you think. The one essential is a raincoat in case of sun showers and other unexpected downpours. For other clothing, everyone must consider the outfits they bring on the trip.
Consider these factors when making clothing choices:
- The total time spent on the road
- The weather you might experience
- Access to laundry facilities or a dry cleaner
Take lots of breaks on the way to your final destination
When going on a long trip, break it up over a few days so you don’t have to rush. Driving for over six hours at a time with a group of people is foolhardy. Give everyone a chance to stretch their legs, grab some food, or see some sites every two hours. It’s a great way to break up the monotony of the drive and help everyone release some kinks.
Just make sure you only plan a couple of activities in one day. This will give everyone ample time to rest and recharge.
The Bottom Line
You’ll never know when bad weather can roll in and force you and your loved ones inside the RV. Or something happens with the thermal insulation cover or your boat ends up in boat storage. You might have to take the RV to the RV shop. Preemptive planning is the difference between a memorable trip and one you can’t wait to be over. It’ll help smooth over any rough patches and add an element of nostalgia to the trip.
Planning a list of fun things to do before you head out on the road is a great idea. It will make sure that everyone in your group is a happy camper.